Friday, January 19, 2007



According to Auguste Comte, society undergoes three different phases in its quest for the truth. There three phases are the theological ,the metaphysical and the positive phases.

The theological phase of man is based on whole-hearted belief in all things with reference to God. God, he says, had reigned supreme over human existence pre-Enlightenment. Man's place in society was governed by his association with the divine presences and with the church that governed all. The theological phase deals with mankind accepting the doctrines of the church and not questioning th world. It deal with the restrictions put in place by the religious organization at them time and the total acceptance of any "fact" placed forth for society to believe.

The metaphysical phase of man , as the time since the Enlightenment, a time steeped in logical rationalism, to the time right after the French Revolution. This second phase states that the universal rights of man are mot important. The central idea is that man is born with certain rights, that should not and cannot be taken away, which must be respected. With this in mind democracies and dictators rose and fell in attempt to maintain the innate rights of man.

The positivism: the central idea is the idea that individual rights are more important than the rule of any one person. Comte stated the idea that man is able to govern himself is what makes this innately different from the rest. There is no higher power governing the masses and the intrigue of any one person that the idea that he can achieve anything based on his individual free will and authority.


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